Explore different transport options to Lake Titicaca, including flights for tight schedules, luxurious train rides like the Belmond Andean Explorer, and scenic bus routes. Choose based on time, style, or budget, and enjoy the beauty of southern Peru!
ruta del sol
From Cusco to Puno: Route of the Sun, Peru

Traveling through Peru can go far beyond arriving in this historic country and visiting some of its main attractions, because in every corner of Peruvian land, there is much more to discover, about its history, culture, and natural heritage. That’s why we always like to point out that, if you have time in your journey, […]
How to Spend 7 Days in Peru
Planning a trip to Peru? Here you’ll find everything you need to know to experience Peru at its fullest in just 7 days!
Peru Travel Itinerary: 2 Weeks to See Everything
Planning a trip to Peru for 2 weeks? Here we’ll show you everything you can do in our beautiful country in just 14 days through the coast, mountains and jungle!