Huascaran National Park Tours

If you’re an adventurous traveler, you may have heard about the Trekking Capital of Peru. Huaraz is a rising travel destination in this South American gem that holds impressive scenery where snow-capped peaks and turquoise-water lagoons make it a total paradise on Earth. The Huascarán National Park is home to 27 mountains that surpass 6,000 meters in altitude, the Huascaran Mountain is the highest peak in Peru, reaching up to 6,768 meters above sea level.

For that reason, this national park is known as the “highest tropical mountain range in the world”. The Huascaran includes the best trekking alternatives from medium to challenging difficulty levels. However, if you’re up to this experience, you should be prepared to face not only the physically demanding activity but the altitude above everything else. Here we have gathered 5 of the most in-demand tours and treks within this famous mountain range, so you can plan the perfect adventure across the northern Peruvian Andes!

Llanganuco Lakes & Lagoon 69 Trek

We are sure that most of you adventure seekers have heard of this lovely lagoon. It is located at 4,604 meters above sea level within the Cordillera Blanca. Laguna 69 stands out by its crystal-clear water and unusual appearance, thanks to the amount of minerals in the water giving it a vibrant turquoise hue.

The Lagoon 69  formed after years of thawing in a neighboring glacier on top of Chacraraju Mountain, one of the several majestic peaks in the northern Andean mountain range that rises to 6,108 meters above sea level. The trail to this natural wonder will take you through the awe-inspiring landscapes of the region, crossing rivers and valleys from where you’ll feel the everlasting energy of the Andes.

It is worth mentioning that the way up to the lagoon may be quite challenging if you’re not properly acclimatized. However, most excursions will give you enough time to complete the trek calmly and slowly.  Since there’s so much to know and visit in Huaraz, we have included this attraction along with another magical natural wonder of the region. Check our Llanganuco Lake & Lagoon 69 while you’re here.

Nevado Pastoruri Tour

Although while traveling we look to escape from our reality, certain factors can’t be ignored. And if you’re into a more natural-focused experience, then you should know about how our world has been changing and reacting to global warming. The Nevado Pastoruri is one of the most sought-after attractions due to its impressive scenery and mainly thanks to its easy accessibility.

Even though this natural wonder is located at 5,240 meters above sea level, you can get there by just taking a car ride and a short walk to its summit. As time passes by and climate change continues to drastically impact our planet, the Pastoruri snow-capped mountain has lost over 40% of its ice in the past 60 years. On top of that, some specialists say that this natural wonder might lose its entire glacial surface 10 years from now.

Therefore, if you’re looking to experience this and other snow-capped peaks of the “Cordillera Blanca” (The White Mountain Range)as beautiful as they are, now it’s the time.  The Climate Change Route looks to raise awareness of climate change and human impact on our planet. With this excursion, you’ll get to know more about this matter while also experiencing one of the most visually striking landscapes of the Huascarán National Park.

Laguna Paron Tour

Laguna Paron is the largest lake in Huascaran National Park, and it’s certainly one of the easiest treks you can join during your stay in Huaraz. The site offers spectacular views from as soon as you hit the road until you get there! Also, the best thing about this experience is that it only takes about 45 minutes to hike to the lake.

However, the altitude is a factor that you certainly can’t underestimate, so it’s best to take this trek on the third day after your arrival. This is one of the most complete tourist attractions near Huaraz since you not only get to trek to this majestic lake but also venture out onto the water on a boat ride or even kayaking! Another thing to do there is camping, though you need to be prepared with camping gear that can withstand temperatures below 0°C.

There are other adventure sports to do around the area since the place offers the perfect setting to do rock climbing and mountaineering. Likewise, we’d like to highlight that these trails are very strenuous and only for experienced trekkers. If you’d like to include the Lake Parón Trek in your Huaraz itinerary, make sure to contact our team!

Churup Lagoon Trek

The Laguna Churup is one of those dream-like locations that make you feel as if you were part of a real-life fantasy, where its colorful and clear waters will leave you spellbound to its greatness while the majestic Churup snow-capped mountain blesses your way to it. The Churup Lagoon is located a few kilometers away from Huaraz. It is situated at a 45-minute drive from the so-called Generosity City.

However, don’t let its closeness fool you since it sits at an elevation of 4,450 meters above sea level. For that reason, you shouldn’t underestimate this trail since it could be very difficult depending on your physical condition and acclimatization. However, all that hard work will be paid off as soon as you reach the destination.

Thanks to its mineral-rich water, the lagoon has a peculiar coloration that makes it even more impressive. While in direct sunlight, you can spot around seven colors in its water, which is why it is also known as the Lagoon of 7 Colors.

For the Most Adventurous Travelers!

As we mentioned earlier in the blog, the entire Huascaran National Park is the perfect setting to practice mountaineering. It is one of the perfect sceneries for those who want to immerse themselves in the authentic nature of the Andes.

The Cordillera Blanca holds over 600 glaciers like the Alpamayo (5,957 m) and Huascarán (6,768 m), two impressive snow-capped mountains within the region, and the most in-demand hiking trails in the national park.

Nevado Alpamayo Hike
It takes about 6 days and 5 nights to get there and back. The trail is certainly not for the fainthearted since it takes you through altitudes over the 5,300 m.a.s.l. The Alpamayo snow-capped mountain was declared the Most Beautiful Mountain in the World by the World Scenic Photography contest in 1966.

Nevado Huascaran Hike
In case you didn’t know, the Huascaran snow-capped mountain is the highest peak in Peru, it reaches an altitude of 6,768 meters above sea level and it takes about 7 days to trek all the way to this wonder of nature and back.

It is worth mentioning that these treks are for experts only since they require having a great physical condition and experience hiking in rugged mountain areas. 

As you can see, the Huaraz region holds the most exciting adventures and some of the most beautiful landscapes of the Andes. If you’d like to experience it during your trip to Peru, our Adventure to the Peruvian Andes package might be right for you!

We want you to know the real Peru’s authenticity and we know exactly how! Travel with us, Viagens Machu Picchu and start living your dreams in our country. Contact our experts to learn more!

Viagens Machu Picchu, journeys that inspire, moments that last.

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