Best Trekking Spots in the Peruvian Andes

From the coast to the highlands and rainforest, Peru is among the nations with the greatest natural diversity. Because of this, it is growing in popularity among thrill-seekers and vacationers worldwide.
The Andes in Peru are the tallest mountains outside Asia and the longest continental range globally. Peru is a top trekking spot because of its stunning landscapes, snowy mountains, and captivating trails.

Food in Cusco: 8 Traditional dishes (and more) to Try

Cusco, the city where this blog is written, is popular for its sites, attractions, museums, and Machu Picchu. Due to Cusco’s popularity in these fields, some people may think that food is not a “cusqueños” (Cusco citizens’) strong point.

That’s why we’ll show you the opposite in the following lines, about our delicious food and why you must try them when in the ancient capital of the Incas.

Guide to the Best Markets in Peru

One of the best ways to experience Peruvian culture and cuisine is through its markets, which are full of these two. On this blog, you’ll find a comprehensive guide to making the most of your time in Peru while you enjoy food and culture and live new and exciting adventures. San Pedro Market We have […]