Learn Some Spanish for Your Trip to Peru: A Crash Course

Are you planning a trip to South America and considering visiting Peru? If so, it’s important to know that Spanish is the primary language spoken in this region. While speaking English may suffice in some areas, learning key Spanish phrases can greatly enhance your travel experience. 

It allows you to forge deeper connections with locals and better understand Peru’s vast and rich culture. In this blog, we’ll share essential tips, useful phrases, and important vocabulary that will come in handy during your travels in Latin America, especially in the ancient land of the Incas. Let’s dive in!


Greetings & Introductions

Although your Spanish could be limited, locals appreciate always good manners. Try using these greetings to break the ice and have a chat with Peruvians!

Hola – Hello

Buenos días – Good morning

Buenas tardes – Good afternoon

Buenas noches – Good evening/night

¿Cómo estás? – How are you? (informal)

¿Cómo está? – How are you? (formal)

Todo bien – All good (common in Peru)

Mucho gusto – Nice to meet you

Me llamo [name] – My name is [name]

¿Cómo te llamas? – What’s your name

Asking for Directions

Wandering around Cusco’s magical streets, in Arequipa’s white city downtown, or taking a stroll in Miraflores or Barranco, Lima’s bohemian district, you may need some basic words to get around Peruvian cities.

¿Dónde está [place]? – Where is [place]?

A la derecha – To the right

A la izquierda – To the left

Aquí nomás – Right here (Peruvian expression)

¿Cuánto cuesta el taxi al [place]? – How much is the taxi to [place]?

¿Está cerca a la Plaza de Armas? – Is it near the Plaza de Armas?

In Restaurants

We Peruvians think our food is the best in the world. Whether in a luxurious eaterie, or a local market, here you have some useful phrases.

Quisiera [food/drink] – I would like [food/drink]

La cuenta, por favor – The bill, please

¿Qué recomienda? – What do you recommend?

Sin picante, por favor – Without spice, please

Ají, por favor – Spicy sauce, please (common in Peru)

¿Tienen opciones vegetarianas? – Do you have vegetarian options?

Quisiera probar algo típico de Perú – I’d like to try something typical of Peru

Un ceviche, por favor – A ceviche, please.

Shopping & Money

Believe us you’ll do lots of shopping when you visit our country. Here you have some phrases to improve your bargaining skills in our country.

¿Cuánto cuesta? – How much does it cost?

¿Aceptan tarjetas de crédito? – Do you accept credit cards?

Me gustaría comprar esto – I would like to buy this

¿Tiene algo más barato? – Do you have something cheaper?

Voy a pagar en efectivo – I will pay in cash

¿A cuánto está el cambio hoy? – What’s the exchange rate today?  

Most Used Expressions

Peruvian slang, or “peruanismos,” shows the lively mix of languages found in Peru. It includes words from native languages like Aymara and Quechua. People from all walks of life use these fun expressions and make conversations more colorful. Whether you live here or are visiting, learning these terms will help you feel more connected to Peruvian culture.

Key Slang Terms to Know

Al toque – This means “quickly” or “in a moment.” You might say, “Necesito esto al toque,” which means “I need this quickly.”

Bacan – This is a way to say something is “cool” or “great.” You’ll hear it a lot, like in “¡Este lugar es bacan!” (This place is cool!)

Achorado – This describes someone who is acting aggressively. If someone is “achorado,” they might seem rude or defiant.

Chamba – This word means “work.” If someone is called “chamba,” it means they are hardworking.

Jato – This word means “house.” If you say, “Voy a mi jato,” you’re saying “I’m going to my house.”

Pata – This is a friendly term for “buddy” or “pal.” You might say, “Mi pata es muy divertido” (My friend is very fun).

Oe, Oye! – This is a friendly way to get someone’s attention. Just remember, “oe” can sound informal or even rude depending on how you say it.

Lechero – This means “lucky” or refers to someone who avoids tricky situations.

Food-Related Slang

Peruvians love their food, and you can see this in their slang:

Pollo – This playfully describes someone who doesn’t handle alcohol well.

Lenteja – This means something moving slowly or a slow person.

Yuca – This refers to a tricky situation.

Zanahoria – This playfully calls someone naive.

By learning these fun expressions, you can enjoy the rich culture of Peru even more!

Tips and Advice

Mastering Peruvian Expressions

To immerse yourself in Peruvian expressions and Spanish, engage with locals and watch local films and shows. Remember, slang varies by region, so be open to learning new terms. Use slang casually with friends, as it may not be appropriate in formal settings. 

Time and Consistency

Make Spanish a part of your daily life. Set aside specific times to study, like listening to podcasts while you commute or reading children’s books at home. Being consistent is key—short, regular practice sessions are better than long, occasional ones.

Lifestyle Learning Resources

Bring Spanish into your life to learn better. Here are some helpful resources:

Duolingo: Try this free app for fun, quick lessons.

Podcasts: Check out Spotify or YouTube for a structured way to learn.

Kids’ Shows: Change your Netflix to Spanish to enjoy learning in a fun way.

Write: Keep a journal in Spanish to practice your writing.

Make Connections

Find Spanish-speaking friends or join language exchange small groups to practice speaking. Real-life conversations will make your learning experience richer and build your confidence.

By following these tips, you’ll enjoy the journey of learning Spanish and creating meaningful connections with the Spanish-speaking community. If you want to know more about Spanish, you can take an immersion program in Spanish schools around Cusco City or the Sacred Valley.

Gracias por llegar hasta aqui! We hope you enjoyed this Spanish language crash course. To learn more about Peruvian culture and its fascinating attractions, contact Viagens Machu Picchu! We are a receptive tour agency, and we operate around Peru. Get in touch with our experts to learn more about our fascinating country!

Viagens Machu Picchu, journeys that inspire, moments that last.

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