Subject Verb Agreement with Explanation

Subject-Verb Agreement: The Key to Effective Communication

Effective communication requires the proper use of grammar, particularly in the subject-verb agreement. Using proper subject-verb agreement helps to ensure that your message is clear and easy to understand. In this article, we will discuss subject-verb agreement and why it is crucial to effective communication.

What is Subject-Verb Agreement?

Subject-verb agreement refers to the matching of the subject and verb in a sentence. This agreement helps to ensure that the sentence is grammatically correct and easy to understand. The subject is the person or thing that performs the action in a sentence, and the verb is the action that is performed.

For example, in the sentence “She sings beautifully,” “she” is the subject, and “sings” is the verb. The subject and verb are in agreement because “she” is singular, and “sings” is the singular form of the verb.

Why is Subject-Verb Agreement Important?

Subject-verb agreement is essential in effective communication because it helps to ensure that your message is clear and easy to understand. When the subject and verb do not agree, it can cause confusion and make the message challenging to comprehend.

For example, consider the sentence “The dogs barks at the cat.” The correct form of the verb for the subject “dogs” is “bark” (plural form). Therefore, the sentence should be written as “The dogs bark at the cat.” Incorrect subject-verb agreement can diminish the writer’s credibility and can cause the reader to lose interest in the message.

Tips for Correct Subject-Verb Agreement

To achieve proper subject-verb agreement, follow these tips:

1. Identify the subject of the sentence: Determine the person or thing that performs the action in the sentence.

2. Identify the verb: Determine the action being performed by the subject.

3. Match the subject and verb: Ensure that the subject and verb agree in number (singular or plural).

4. Watch out for tricky subjects: Some words, such as “everyone” or “nobody,” may appear singular but are actually plural. Make sure to use the correct verb form based on the actual number of the subject.


Subject-verb agreement is a vital part of effective communication. It helps to ensure that your message is clear, easy to understand, and grammatically correct. By following the tips outlined above, you can improve your writing and achieve proper subject-verb agreement, ensuring your message is communicated effectively.