Tourism in Peru: Diversity and culture

The most ancient and stunning citadel in Latin America is in the Andean region of South America, that is Machu Picchu Citadel. However, it is not the only wonder in Peru. Taking a trip to the ancient Inca empire brings countless diversities that will leave more than one in amazement.

Peru is built on over 5,000 years of history by Indigenous people, bearing marks of the origins and development of human beings in every corner of its territory, and which tells so much about us through its discoveries, art, and cultural expression of our people.

Nonetheless, Peru goes further than that, here it is possible to captivate all the senses, from the palate, with our spectacular food passing through the vision, which is surprised at every natural and historical wonder it knows; including the sense of smell, with the scent of the rains striking in our forests; and also listening and speaking, which will marvel at our Spanish characterized by clarity and understanding, which you will hear and even learn.

To know Peru is to provide you with a true synesthetic journey, which reaches different nuances of flavors and enchantments. Our culture is our essence, and you deserve to discover, appreciate, and be enchanted by it, on a unique and memorable trip!

Things to do in Peru

As is already mentioned, the entire Peruvian territory is home to an uncountable amount of artifacts that refer to countless ancient civilizations that inhabited these lands. Among these traditional Peruvian cultures, the most famous are the Incas, who have a living legacy to this day in much of our country.

But the reality is that all the history that is under or exposed in these lands allows us to see characteristics of complex and advanced civilizations, many of which paved the way for everything that was built by the Incas and the people that followed them, making us what we are today.

From this description, it is already possible to understand that there will be no shortage of options for ancestral sites, Peruvian art, Peruvian music, museums, pyramids, and even mummies to add to your travel plan, right?

Experiment Peru’s traditions, art, places, and diversity.

And as if that wasn’t enough, there are many other options for things to do when you travel to Peru, and here, all tastes and profiles are covered with adventures and varied experiences, whether traveling alone or with a partner, friends, or family.

Along the short length of the country, it is possible to find wonderful beaches, and forests with different characteristics, including the lungs of the world – the Amazon Rainforest… Don’t stop there! It is also possible to find the desert and the only natural oasis on the continent, as well as see the snowy mountains of the Peruvian Andes in the middle of the Cordillera Blanca.

In other words, without a doubt, it is possible to find a little bit of everything in Peru, so we can say that diversity is our strong point. All experiences take place in front of definitely stunning scenarios. At the very least, Peru is a charming place, which complements everything with the presence of its people, marked by colors, friendliness, joy, friendliness, and full of knowledge wrapped in a fascinating mystical aura.

The Best Time to Visit Peru

In general, the country is marked by two main seasons, the rainy season, which, with exceptions, usually coincides with the summer, and the dry season, which, following the same logic, is marked throughout the winter.

Despite this characteristic, it is important to point out that this rule is not valid for all regions, and it is necessary to assess the prevailing climates of the tourist destinations in different parts of Peru to be visited when preparing your bags for your trip.

What we can say is that, regardless of that, there is no specific time to travel to Peru! Everything will depend on the type of experience you are looking for during the trip, but each period is surrounded by its charms and strategic issues to be considered, such as high and low seasons and their relationship with values, for example.

Machu Picchu in the rainy season is beautiful too.

However, in all its geographic regions (coast, mountain, and jungle), nature is exuberant and collaborative. In summer, the rains are frequent, but not very intense, which can give a more adventurous air to the activities, there will be no shortage of stories to tell!

In winter, the cold is considerable, which adds to the charm of Cusco, for example, and other cities located in the Andes. In this context, Peru becomes an even more cozy destination, whether for the romantic atmosphere between couples, being with friends, or sharing good times with family.

And this is also the tranquility that many tourists also seek in Peruvian lands! Although nature can fully welcome each visitor, the country does not offer great dangers or threats in terms of natural or physical security.

Explosion of flavors: The Peruvian cuisine

And if that’s still not enough, what else do you need to make this experience complete? Food! And that’s not the problem, as Peru is also capable of conquering your stomach without much effort!

Due to its diverse geography, this country produces a multitude of agricultural products, which is directly reflected in its Peruvian food. According to local custom, every dish should be served in very generous portions. It is the ideal place for those who like to eat well and at a good price.

In addition to being considered one of the countries with the greatest culinary variety in the world, Peru also has one of the most successful chefs in the world, Gastón Acurio, who is among the 10 most recognized. Added to this is the fact that the Peruvian capital, Lima, is called the Gastronomic Capital of Latin America, housing the best restaurant in the world last year.

Pachamanca is a delicious example of Peruvian food.

And among its great diversity of foods, it is interesting to note the quantity of the ingredients that come from the ground! Corn, for example, is one of Peru’s flagships, with more than 50 (colorful) species throughout the territory. The native potato, in this context, is the most surprising, with over 5,000 varieties! And there are many more species and foods endemic to our lands.

Here you can discover some of the dishes that mark our gastronomic experience and culinary art. And the best, you can even learn how to cook them:


Ceviche provides an explosion of flavors and characteristic ingredients, such as corn, lemon, onion, and fish. In general, it is a more refreshing dish, referring to destinations on the Peruvian coast, but throughout the country, it is possible to taste this dish that is part of our identity and that is identified as originating in pre-Hispanic cultures.

Lomo Saltado

In Lomo Saltado we find a characteristic of the identity formation of Peru: the fusion between cultures. In it, there are traces of Peruvian and Chinese cuisine, and it is believed that its appearance dates back to the 19th century. In Lomo Saltado we find ingredients such as beef accompanied by seasonings such as onion, vinegar, yellow pepper, and tomatoes.

Ají de Gallina

This is, by far, one of the “darling” dishes of Peru and also of its visitors, who surrender to the flavors that open up in this meal. It is believed that Ají de Gallina is an evolution of a dish that came from Spain during the period when the invasion process took place throughout Peru.


The main ingredient of anticucho is cow’s heart, called grilled beef heart in English. Yes, you read properly, heart, but it’s been finely grilled and marinated in a special sauce. As with potatoes, adding various sauces on skewers improves the flavor of the meat slices.

What are you waiting for to live the best moments of your life in Peru? Remember that to get in touch with Viagens Machu Picchu, just one click and our teams will be ready to serve you!

Discover our packages to numerous destinations and we will plan your dream trip together, always thinking about your interests and needs to enjoy the culture of Peru.

Viagens Machu Picchu, journeys that inspire, moments that last.