Wedding in Peru: Understanding the Andean Ceremony

No doubt at some point you have dreamed about your wedding and considered the perfect ceremony for that truly special day. Of course, think about your visitors, the background music, the ideal venue, and much more! As the day itself needs to be beyond description. Is it not?

Peru has emerged as a top travel destination globally in recent times, despite its developing infrastructure, and the recent global health crisis that left the country paralyzed. Nevertheless, Peru has bounced back and managed to retain its international visitor count stable and it hopes it can recover levels before the pandemic.

Coming back to our subject, people who are looking for something unusual often relate  Machu Picchu citadel with the attraction of the Andes mountains (also known as the “Apus”), the spirituality and charm of the Amazon Rainforest, or even the diversity of traditions and delicious food. Here are some of the reasons Peru is a fantastic choice for your vacation wedding.

The Andean wedding

Firstly, what exactly is an Andean wedding? Let’s begin by referring to this as a sort of symbolic ancestral rite that is open to all those who are interested and has no legal significance. This ceremony can be performed anywhere, and it is not restricted to any particular belief system.

How does it work? The Andean wedding, also known as “Arac Masin” in Quechua, is a traditional Peruvian marriage ceremony that dates back generations, carrying on the Inca legacy.

Ricardo and Samia Andean’s wedding in July 2022

The ceremony can be tailored to the preferences of the wedding planners; nevertheless, certain essentials should not be overlooked, such as candles, plants, and stones. The location of the celebration should also be blessed by an Andean priest before the big day.

The man in charge should arrange certain rites before the holy covenant since it involves commitments to the God Sun (Inti), the God Moon (Killa), the Mountains (Apus), and the Earth Mother (Pachamama). These rituals focus on the couple’s connection with the Inca Gods, the natural world, and themselves. Ayahuasca consumption (optional), gift-giving, reading leaves, clearing the aura, etc.

Are there any requirements for the Andean wedding?

As everything is symbolic, we previously stated, there are no specific requirements. Nevertheless, we still suggest using a specialized travel agency to set up this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, because it will help you avoid the possibility of something unexpected happening on your dream day.

Viagens Machu Picchu can arrange everything from your arrival to your last day in Peru, we are the ideal choice for you. We want to surpass your expectations and believe that every little thing counts.

The pact is between the couple and nature

Honeymoon in Peru

Peru unquestionably offers entire destinations, as it not only delivers amazing memories from the Adventure wedding but also offers stunning and amazing locations for couples to experience a similarly memorable and beautiful honeymoon.

Throughout the country travel spots and attractions cater to every kind of traveler. Notable hiking routes include the Huaraz region, Humantay Lake, and Peru’s Rainbow Mountain. You can also visit well-known restaurants to enjoy Peru’s delicious cuisine, which is considered one of the best in the world.

Honeymoon in Delfin III through the Amazon River

Large cities such as the capital Lima, the volcano-ringed city, Arequipa, and Cusco, the imperial town of the Incas, are still accessible. Speaking of this civilization, you simply must visit archeological sites, the Sacred Valley of the Incas, and  Machu Picchu, the country’s largest tourist destination to get a deeper understanding of Inca history.

In addition, we provide honeymoon packages that include accommodations in Peru’s top hotels, professional photographer-accompanied tours, and much more to make your trip even more memorable.

A couple of Viagens Machu Picchu clients

With a staff that is always ready to assist you in any situation, Viagens Machu Picchu is committed to giving you outstanding services. Please contact us to find out more about our packages to Machu Picchu and other Peruvian destinations. Allow us to assist you on this important day, and you will see the results!

Viagens Machu Picchu, journeys that inspire, moments that last.