Visit Huaraz City, in Peru

We know that destinations like Cusco are the most visited, but among the countless options, we’ll talk here mainly about Huaraz, a region that is more than 3,000 meters above sea level, counting a city full of charm and with adventures in its surroundings.

Amidst the “Cordillera Blanca” and the “Cordillera Negra”, this destination impresses all its visitors, as well as requires a lot of preparation and a great adventurous spirit. But it doesn’t matter if you are a beginner or already have experience in high elevations as Huaraz also has attractions for those who need to go slower.

Huaraz is known as the Trekking Capital of Peru and, no wonder, it brings together several natural attractions that are true works of art. It is possible to know each one of them, but it is necessary to have a lot of determination to reach the main objective, since some trails have a high level of difficulty, in addition to being at many meters altitude.

But it’s all worth it, as we are talking about several turquoise lagoons, which complement the whole scenario, which is full of snowy peaks, mountain ranges, beautiful valleys, archaeological sites, and much more. Keep reading and find out even more.

What to know about Huaraz?

Stay in Huaraz and you will have countless adventures amidst the snowy mountains that are part of the White and Black ranges, but the trip through this destination can guarantee contact with other aspects that can be very interesting for those who want to get closer to more of Peruvian culture.

Huaraz City.

In addition, as the city is situated at a high altitude and can induce some pain due to altitude sickness, it is important to take into consideration several trips to help in the adaptation process when you arrive.

We want your holiday to be unforgettable, so we’ve included a list of the top attractions and additional advice on what to do in Huaraz so you can explore and enjoy the most of your journey through the Peruvian highlands!

History of cultura Chavín

The Chavín culture is considered by many historians and archaeologists as the mother of the Andean cultures, this was because this person had many cultural and religious influences on other civilizations that succeeded them, including the Inca civilization, for example.

Its development took place between 1500 and 300 BC. and is one of the oldest civilizations in all of Peru, second only to Caral, the oldest city in the Americas. There are still many gaps to be filled in about the history and who the Chavín culture was, however, visiting the Chavín de Huantar Archaeological Site is a great option to understand more about this civilization.

Chavin de Huantar ruins.

This site is composed of two main temples, having functioned as the administrative and religious center of this people, these structures are called the Old Temple, which resembles a labyrinth formed by pyramids and was the place that guarded the Monolith of Lanzón, and the Temple Novo, which is the largest pyramid in the archaeological complex and where the Raimondi Star was displayed.

These constructions harbor a strong characteristic of their main form of expression, which was the art in sculptures that represented their gods and rituals, which formed “Cabezas Clavas” that adorned their walls. In addition to taking the Chavín de Huantar tour to get even closer to this and other civilizations that inhabited the Ancash region, we recommend a visit to the Archaeological Museum of Ancash.

Callejón de Huaylas

The famous Callejón de Huaylas is nestled between la Cordillera Blanca and the Cordillera Negra, which guarantees some beautiful scenarios in the surroundings, as you can imagine. In its entirety, the Callejón de Huaylas covers 5,000 square kilometers and some provinces are part of the valley, each of which also offers unique experiences of Peru’s culture and history.

In this regard, you can find hot springs in Recuay or the Puya Raimondi, a species of giant bromeliad that is unique to this area; in Carhuaz, you can visit an agricultural and tourist center that blends into the surrounding natural landscapes; however, the province of Yungay offers an encounter with history as well as the famed Huascarán Mountain, which is the highest in the region.

One of the breathtaking views that Huaraz offers.

These are only a few of the things that can be discovered at the adventure sports-friendly Callejón de Huaylas. Since we’re talking about experiences, however, how about we visit the location that focuses on Huaraz’s top attractions?

Highlights of Huascarán National Park

The famous Huascaran National Park is home to the most famous attractions and is sought after by travelers who come from worldwide to Huaraz not only looking for great challenges but also want to know some of the most beautiful landscapes in Peru, in this region is also known as Peruvian Switzerland.

This park is considered a nature’s heritage, recognition given by UNESCO, representing its importance in terms of the environment for the whole world. Along these conservation units are mountains and snowy peaks that are among the highest in the world, among them is Mount Huascarán, mentioned earlier, which is more than 6,000 meters above sea level.

The Huascaran Mountain at its best.

The great spectacle guarded by the Huascaran National Park, without a doubt, is the beautiful lagoons with crystal clear turquoise waters, formed by the melting of the surrounding glaciers. Here we are going to present some of those.

Lago Llanganuco

This attraction is an impressive body of water that, in a way, is considered a “twin”. What happens is that the melting of glaciers in the region formed these two lakes that are located a few meters apart. In fact, “Llanganuco” is the name of the valley where these lakes are located, however, each one of them has a different name and characteristics.

Llanganuco is not popular, but it’s a beautiful destination in Huaraz and Peru.

The first lagoon is called Chinancocha and is considered a female body of water, located at the foot of Mount Huascarán, at an elevation of 3,850 meters and about 28 meters deep. The second lagoon is more difficult to access due to the high altitude, it is considered a male lagoon, called Orconcocha, with smaller dimensions and only 7 meters deep. Certainly, the visit to this wonder of nature is worth it.

Laguna Parón

If you want to go not only on an incredible trail through the snowy landscapes of Huaraz, then visiting Laguna Parón is the right option among the many tours you can do in the region.

Laguna Parón is located 3, hours from Huaraz City Center. To reach the major attraction, one must drive a portion of the route and walk the remaining 45 minutes, which, although short, is not as simple as it looks. The lagoon is 4,200 meters above sea level.

A breathtaking view of Paron Lake

You may kayak or take a boat ride in the lagoon, explore the nearby snow-capped mountains, and, if you have the right gear and are ready for the cold, even camp there for a unique experience.

And, to close with a flourish, Laguna Parón is not as touristy compared to other attractions in the Cordillera Blanca region, so you can believe that you will have opportunities to make wonderful records of this remarkable experience!

Laguna 69

This is without a doubt the most popular view in the Huaraz area and one of the most beautiful lagoons you will be able to see, with turquoise water. Any explorer who is willing to face the challenge of getting there will be fascinated by the incredible splendor that greets them here.

One of the most beautiful lagoon in Peru is the Lagoon 69.

The lagoon is at an altitude of 4,600 meters above sea level, being extremely important to prepare your physical and mental state for this adventure, the route is about 6 kilometers, and takes between 3 and 4 hours to reach the final point of the route.

Upon arriving at Laguna 69 you can enjoy and explore the entire region and surroundings of the lagoon, you can have a picnic if you wish or simply relax your mind in the beautiful scenery surrounded by snowy mountains.

Nevado Pastoruri

Pastoruri Glacier is one of the most beautiful and accessible attractions within the Huascaran National Park, as this snow-filled peak has an easy trail, but it’s intensified by the altitude at which it is located since its top reaches 5,240 meters above sea level.

This wonder of nature is considered, within the Andean culture, a spiritual protector of the people who live in small villages along the mountain range. Called Apus, this giant is both admired and feared by people who believe in his power.

The Pastoruri Glacier

However, despite being an incredible place, it’s necessary to hurry to get to know it as it is today, as climate change, which has been pushed by human actions, has caused the rapid thawing of the ice sheets that cover this mountain. For this reason, the attraction also hosts an awareness tour about the importance of taking care of our planet, with the Climate Change Route.

Huaraz has a lot to offer to all its visitors, and if you are passionate about adventure, you are certainly in the right place! But much more than that, there is much to discover and explore in the Ancash region for those who also like and want to know more about Peruvian history.

Get in touch with Viagens Machu Picchu if you’ve ever desired to travel through Peru on an unusual multi-day tour. Here, we customize your trip itinerary based on your interests. It’ll give us great pleasure to witness reaching your goals and fully experiencing Peru.

With our packages to Huaraz and many other amazing locations in Peru, you can find inspiration for your next journey. Huaraz and everything that Peru offers are waiting for you.

Viagens Machu Picchu journeys that inspire, moments that last.