Discover the Rainbow Mountain Trail in Peru

When planning a trip, we often dream of discovering the amazing places a destination offers. This can include historical sites, unique restaurants, lively cityscapes, or stunning natural views. Peru is a fantastic country full of incredible activities and attractions for all kinds of travelers. Whether you love history or want to relax in nature, Peru has something special for you. It’s perfect for those adventurous spirits looking for unforgettable experiences.

One of the most popular spots in the Cusco region is the beautiful 7 Colors Mountain. This natural wonder takes the breath away of everyone who visits. You might have seen its vibrant colors in photos on social media or heard about it while planning your trip. Located in the heart of the Peruvian Andes, this dazzling mountain is a must-see for any traveler.

In this article, we’ll explore everything you need to know about this mountain. We’ll cover the trail to get there, nearby attractions, and tips for planning your visit. Even if you’re a beginner hiker, the journey will be rewarding and filled with stunning views. Are you ready to discover this treasure in the Peruvian Andes? Let’s learn more about the wonders of Cusco with Viagens Machu Picchu!

Visit Rainbow Mountain in Peru

In case you didn’t know, there are some colorful mountains in some parts of the world besides Peru, like China and Argentina. However, two of these are located in Peruvian lands. If you are curious, we would like to clarify that in this article we are dealing with the largest 7-colored mountain in the country, originally called “Vinicunca Mountain.” In the present, it is also known as “Rainbow Mountain.”

This is the main mountain with this characteristic in the ancient country of the Incas, it is located at about 5,200 meters above sea level, which makes it possible to have a spectacular view of the mountain’s surroundings of the mountain and be enchanted by its natural beauty. The Rainbow Mountain is located in the Vilcanota Mountain Range. The original name of this work of nature comes from the Quechua language and the meaning “colored neck”, a reference to the evident colors of this giant.

For these people, the mountain also represents a powerful “Apu”, that is, a spiritual being that protects the remote villages peoples who inhabit the region. In addition to all this, you may be wondering the reason behind these colors that attract so much attention around the world, so we make sure to explain. These magnificent colors in the lands of the imposing Vinicunca represent nothing more and nothing less than its geographical history.

In other words, the colors are the result of millions of years of sediment accumulation in this region that, more than 65 million years ago, was covered with plenty of water. Sediments from different sources settled on the ground and created the different colors of the place, which turned into a mountain due to the movement of tectonic plates.

Although its existence is very old, the discovery of this place as a tourist potential took place in the mid-2010s, when the layer of ice that covered the highest parts of the mountain melted and presented its colors to the world, starting to attract more people, thousands of people a day.

Path to Montaña de Siete Colores

As you can imagine, the trail to the top of Rainbow Mountain is quite challenging, not because of the degree of difficulty of the route itself, but because of the high altitude of the attraction, so it is important to be well due to climate and know how to deal with the altitude sickness because of the lack of oxygen.

In general, this tour requires a full day, which begins very early morning, in which travelers are guided to the base of the trail on a 3-hour drive that crosses the entire South Valley. Before the route, the guides usually provide all the information necessary to make the journey safely and comfortably.

The walk lasts around 3 hours on the way to the main viewpoint, where it is also possible to have contact with some residents who offer services to visitors, such as horseback transport. It is also possible to observe some of the most representative animals of Peru, these being the llamas and alpacas. Along the way, there will be constant monitoring by the guides to check the well-being of all adventurers and if there is a need to make any stops.

However, you must remember to always do it calmly and enjoy every moment, without rushing to arrive.  Upon arriving at the top of the mountain, there is 1 hour for you to enjoy good times in this scenery from another planet, taking time for rest and contemplation, taking beautiful photos to keep as a souvenir, or replenishing your energies for the way back, which also usually takes 1 to 2 hours to reach the parking lot.

Things to do in Vinicunca Mountain

And if the adventure through the Colored Mountain is not enough for you, know that it is possible to take advantage of your tour to discover other attractions in the vicinity of this region, those are the Red Valley and the Ausangate Mountain.

Traveling through Peruvian lands is a box of surprises and it can often be difficult to choose which attractions to choose, so we recommend that you get to know our packages to Cusco and many other destinations in Peru. Get in contact with our team to prepare a tailor-made plan for your dream trip.

Viagens Machu Picchu, journeys that inspire, moments that last.

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