Top Things to Do in Lake Titicaca

The Peruvian Andes hold the most impressive natural wonders and when it comes to Puno’s highlands, Lake Titicaca is surely one of the most impressive, not only for its natural scenery but the cultural expression and mysticism that it encloses. If you’re planning a trip to Southern Peru then you definitely need to add the highest navigable lake of the world on your bucket list.

For that reason, we’ve come up with this section to help you plan the best itinerary with an authentic place that will leave you breathless. For those who didn’t know, Lake Titicaca is a massive water body that sits at 3,812 meters above sea level, composed of several islands, a slow-paced life, ancestral traditions, and a spellbinding natural scenery.

Besides, each island is as unique as you can imagine, with its own organization and traditions, without forgetting the famous Uros Floating Islands, the main attraction of the lake.  There is so much to know about this region that you’ll be glad to know everything about it. Luckily for you, here you’ll find everything about the different things you can do in Lake Titicaca.

1|Get to Know the Floating Islands of Uros

As we mentioned above, these are probably the most popular attractions on the lake. The Uros Floating Islands are a group of about 100 artificial islands made entirely of totora reed, an aquatic plant species that grows on the outskirts of the lake.

These man-made islands are the prevailing legacy of a pre-Columbian civilization that in an urge for peace, decided to isolate themselves in the heart of Lake Titicaca. The tradition continues alive and is carried out by this beautiful community that fought to keep their culture despite the native erasure imposed by the Spanish crown.

Although the Uros people used to live a simpler life based on the natural resources of the lake and its surroundings, nowadays they have adapted to a more modern lifestyle while maintaining their traditions deeply rooted in their generations.

The Floating Islands of Uros are now an important tourist attraction, an initiative that started at the beginning of the XXI century. Locals grant a glimpse at their ancestral culture, while also teaching you about their daily activities and how they manage to build and maintain this mobile floating city.

2|Experience the Cultural Expression of Taquile Island

As you make your way through the vast Lake Titicaca, you’ll find a natural island that encloses a great cultural expression. Taquile Island was inhabited by an Inca colony during the pre-Columbian era and though the Spanish colonizers imposed their beliefs on the locals, they managed to combine and evolve from that mixture of cultures.

Taquileans run their society based on the Inca moral code “Ama sua, ama llulla, ama quella,” which means “do not steal, do not lie, do not be lazy.” Their community relies on land production and tourism.

Therefore, you’ll find a lot of experiential tourism options on the lake, since local families have opened their doors to travelers who wish to be part of and learn about their way of life. The cultural expression in Taquile is like no other, and if we talk about traditional textiles, here you’ll find top-quality pieces with impressive dyes and patterns. 

The Taquile people are known for their traditional textiles, where men are in charge of knitting and women make yarn and weave. The fine taquile textile art was recognized as a Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO.

3|Live like a local on the Amantani Island

If you’re eager to get fully immersed in the cultural expression of the region, this is the best place to go! Amantani Island is the largest island on the Peruvian side of the Titicaca Lake and it is home to 4,000 residents, who live in 10 Quechua-speaking communities across the island.

Undoubtedly, this island offers the perfect setting to experience the traditions and customs of the lovely people of Amantani. Besides, it holds the most beautiful natural scenery of the lake.

Life on the island is pretty simple, each family is in charge of the land production and many other responsibilities, all contributing to the well-being of the community. Their main economic asset is agricultural production, they cultivate potatoes, geese, barley, and beans.

Also, their textile expression is similar to the one in Taquile when it comes to variety and design. Amantani is also recognized for their stone sculptures since they developed a distinctive carving style for daily utensils and decorative elements.

How to visit Lake Titicaca?

There are different ways to do so, depending on the type of experience you’d like to have or your time disposition, you can visit this outstanding attraction with these options:

Lake Titicaca Half-Day Tour

In case you’re limited on time but still want to see the best of Lake Titicaca during your short stay, here’s an option that can help you with that.  The Lake Titicaca Half-Day Tour will take you through the vast deep-blue waters of the world’s highest navigable lake, allowing you to explore the Uros islands and Taquile.

The experience can be arranged for a morning or afternoon schedule, giving you time to explore the city and two of the main attractions in the lake in one day. 

Lake Titicaca Full-Day Tour

For those with a bit more time in Puno, here’s a boat tour that will take you through the cultural expression of Lake Titicaca in one day. The full-day tour of Lake Titicaca will allow you to get immersed in this natural wonder and its attractions without missing any detail at all.

On this time, you’ll be able to get to know the renowned artisan expression of Taquile Island, the impressive Uros islands, and one of the largest islands on the lake, Amantani.

Lake Titicaca Homestay

There’s a more intimate experience that takes you on a full immersion in the cultural heritage of the lake. On this occasion, you can stay in one of the islands and learn about their daily lives.

In the Lake Titicaca homestay experience, you’ll get to explore Amantani, Taquile, and the Uros islands. You’ll be able to learn about the traditions and customs of the place, as well as take part in routine activities such as fishing, collecting totora reeds, and much more.

Would you like to experience this magical region? Contact our travel specialists and make your way through the vast Lake Titicaca like a local expert.

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