Tips for Hiking in Cusco

Peru’s allure lies in its Andean paths and breathtaking landscapes, drawing travelers worldwide for unforgettable journeys. The country’s diversity offers something for every traveler, blending culture, history, art, luxury, and adventure.

For those seeking adrenaline-fueled experiences, Peru’s array of activities caters to adventurous spirits, making it a sought-after destination. To ensure a seamless journey, understanding the intricacies of planning and navigating Peru’s trails is crucial.

This article aims to address common doubts among hikers preparing for their Peruvian adventure. It covers everything from simple preparations to more complex considerations, ensuring travelers make the most of their experience without unnecessary challenges.

Peru offers various trail options tailored to different fitness levels, difficulty preferences, destinations, and time constraints. Whether you seek a closer connection to nature or a thrilling adventure, understanding these trails’ nuances is key to planning a fulfilling journey.

Embark on this journey with Viagens Machu Picchu to gain essential insights and preparation tips for your Peruvian adventure. With the right knowledge and preparation, you can fully immerse yourself in Peru’s natural wonders and create unforgettable memories along ancient paths.

Discover the Main treks in Peru

Embark on an adventure in Peru, where you’ll find some of the country’s most famous trails, especially in the Cusco region. This area boasts attractions like Rainbow Mountain and Machu Picchu. Other notable trails include the Lares Trail and the Inca Jungle Trail, each offering unique experiences for all skill levels.

From beginners to seasoned hikers, there’s a trail for everyone. Here, we introduce three popular options among travelers, showcasing the diverse and fascinating landscapes Peru has to offer. Ready to explore? Let’s go!

Inca Trail Trek

We do not doubt that the Inca Trail is one of the best-known in Peru. This is because not only does this route lead to the famous Historic Sanctuary of Machu Picchu, but this route was created and extremely used by the Inca people, at the time of the height of the Inca Fortress Tahuantinsuyo.

The Inca Trail was part of a network of trails that connected different parts of the empire of these powerful people, covering some different countries in South America, such as Brazil, Colombia, Bolivia, Chile, as well as Peru itself. In other words, whoever takes this route takes a real plunge into the history of these people, especially if they also allow their imagination to run wild.

There are two ways to do the Inca Trail and the most interesting thing about it is being able to adapt the options to your itinerary, since in the Classic Inca Trail model it takes about 4 days to complete it from Cusco, passing Aguas Calientes to the Inca Citadel through the Sacred Valley, in the Short Inca Trail version, you only need 2 days hike.

This trail is a great option for cloud forest lovers, but those who focus on getting even closer to the history of this civilization, since along the way there are numerous Inca ruins with different functions and constructions, all linked to the ancient people.

Salkantay Trek

This is another option for those who want to make their trek to Machu Picchu even more memorable. The Salkantay Trail has a very strong scenic appeal and, without a doubt, is for adventurers who have more experience in this type of activity, as the path reaches an altitude of approximately 4,600 meters above sea level.

The route in question requires up to 5 days for the hikers to be available to be carried out successfully. All along the way, you can see the giant Apu Salkantay, considered by the locals as a protective spirit, which is also one of the highest peaks in Peru.

Dare to do the Salkantay Trek.

In addition, one of the strengths of this trail is being able to appreciate the beauty and uniqueness of the famous Humantay Lake, one of the stopping points on the way, which makes every effort made on this path worth it, in addition to being something surreal to be able to rest around a beautiful turquoise water lagoon.

Rainbow Mountain Trek

This is a gem of the Peruvian Andes and the Cusco region, which has attracted thousands of visitors a year, who are completely charmed by its beauty and uniqueness. The Rainbow Mountain we are talking about is Vinicunca, the highest in Peru, whose summit reaches 5,200 meters above sea level, from where it is also possible to contemplate a unique view of nature’s masterpiece.

Unlike the giants mentioned above, the 7 Rainbow Mountain trail, which leads to the top of Vinicunca, requires only a few hours to complete, so full-day excursions are made for this. However, do not think that this factor makes it easier than the others, as the altitude can make everything more complicated.

The Rainbow Mountain trek.

But don’t worry, if your dream is to see a colorful mountain up close, there is another option to turn to, in case you don’t feel comfortable with your physical condition, we are talking about Palcoyo Mountain, which can be as charming as the giant Vinicunca.

Tips for trekking in Peru

What to take?

To carry out these long journeys, it’s important to remember that some porters and llamas will go with you on this trip; however, keeping in mind the need to avoid excesses is essential, and in your backpack always carry the most requested items on the way and those that need to be within reach.

Some tips on what to take on the trail include a personal hygiene kit (such as toilet paper, towel, and oral hygiene items), a sleeping bag, a raincoat, clothes to dress in layers from heat to cold, trail shoes, a flashlight, a sun protection kit (sunscreen, cap, sunglasses), a first-aid kit, coca leaves, your camera, and more.

Fitness and high altitude sickness

As we mentioned before, taking care of your physical preparation is crucial to having a successful performance on your adventure, also it’s important to prevent yourself from altitude sickness, taking all responsible attitudes before starting any trail.

Conquer Peruvian highlands with our advice.

So, if you don’t already have a physically active life, it’s important to start preparing now, and if physical exercises are already part of your routine, gradually intensifying your workouts will help you. As for altitude sickness, or soroche, schedule an acclimatization period of 2 to 3 days before your adventure. This will let your body get used to the elevation. Look at this blog for more information regarding altitude sickness.

Weather on the trails

It is important to pay attention to the climate of the regions that are covered by the trails to avoid any unforeseen events. In general, trails like the Salkantay and the Inca Trail usually have dry weather in the winter months (around June to September) and lots of rain and humidity in the summer (from October to March), however, it all depends on which attraction you go to. visit.

In Rainbow Mountain it is necessary to follow the weather to know if it will be snowing since in this case, it is impossible to see its attractive colors. Another detail related to the weather is the opening and closing of attractions, as is the case of the Inca Trail, which remains closed throughout February. Look at this blog for more information about traveling in Peru during the rainy season.

How to hike in Peru?

Last but not least, if you are wondering how to go trekking in the ancient country of the Incas, know that it is not allowed to do it alone, a regulated issue for the safety of all visitors. In addition, it is important to plan and buy the package at least 6 months in advance of the travel date.

Viagens Machu Picchu has many trekking packages in Peru full of adrenaline, so take the opportunity to be inspired and carry out this unforgettable adventure with us, with all the necessary logistics for you to make the most of your experience.

Viagens Machu Picchu, journeys that inspire, moments that last.