Most Important Peruvian Gastronomy Festival

As getting to know a country needs to be a complete experience and traveling needs to be a dip in a whole new world, we are sure that you will not regret choosing Peru as your next travel destination, since in addition to a lot of history, a people full of joy and countless natural wonders, here you can also taste one of the best cuisines in the world!

Especially if you are visiting the city of Lima, it represents a lot of our culinary art around the world and has become a highlight among all the countries in South America. Some of the Top 50 Restaurants in the World can be found in this destination, which has countless wonderful dishes that not only represent Peruvian culture in food but also show the power of the influence of other cultures.

To demonstrate how important Peruvian culinary art, and especially Lima, is so important to the Peruvian people, one of the largest gastronomic festivals in South America and the largest culinary fair in Peru takes place in the capital of the country, which hosts the gastronomic fair Mixes annually.

On this occasion, there is a meeting and, in fact, a mixture of cultural elements that make the gastronomic experience even more splendid and memorable, due to the strong characteristic of Peruvian cuisine that seeks to tell its story also through the foods, which are numerous and filled with ingredients. only ones that come from the Andes.

Were you curious and wanted to know more and get involved in this great event? So stay with us in this reading, because we will tell you more about the festival, our gastronomy, and everything you need to know to add this unique opportunity to your travel itinerary to Peru!

Gastronomic Fair Mistura

For travelers who love to experience different traits of the culture of the country they are discovering, Feria de la Mistura is a great chance to get closer to the people and the Peruvian foods. Every year, in the city of Lima, the fair takes place and brings together music, dances, and the typical dishes of the country in a single place.

This event was conceived more than 10 years ago, by a group of friends and characters involved with Peruvian gastronomy, to praise this side of Peruvian culture that is so relevant around the world. In this context, the objective was to be able to concentrate, in a single place, peruvian restaurants, and creators, without which there would not be such precious ingredients in a variety of dishes.

Among the peruvian chefs of the fair are big names in the cuisine, a great example to illustrate is the presence of Gastón Acurio among these people. In this movement, a group was created to make official not only the birth of the fair but also the commitment to Peruvian gastronomy, this group is known as APEGA, the Sociedad Peruana de Gastronomía.

The event is held in the Peruvian capital, as this is the Gastronomic Capital of Latin America, and since its first year, we can say that the event is a success, bringing together more than 50 restaurants, in addition to countless professionals related to gastronomy and, with the great highlight, more than thousands of visitors who, in addition to being from Peru, come from countless places in the world to honor this event!

It is also interesting to know that, in addition to all the details that are part of this moment, APEGA elects elements to be honored throughout the event, for example, in 2018 the tribute was to Peruvian grains, which are an essential part of the vast majority of our culinary dishes.

Each feature of Feira Mistura awakens more desire to be part of this celebration not only of the consolidation of Peruvian gastronomy but also of different aspects of our cultural expression, right? Find out more about the dishes and flavors that await you at Mistura!

Peruvian Gastronomy

As we said earlier, we do not doubt that Peruvian gastronomy is an emblematic characteristic of our country. Each dish tells a little bit of our history and reflects a cultural trait of our people. In addition to all this, it is very interesting to realize that there are many influences from different countries in our dishes.

Altogether, there are approximately 2,500 typical dishes in Peru, demonstrating the variability of our ingredients as well as our creativity. Each corner of the country will represent aspects of a particular region in the local cuisine, but in general, it is possible to point out that the presence of freshness and the use of colorful grains and vegetables are almost always right.

Among the most famous dishes in Peru, we can highlight:

  • Ají de Gallina, a dish based on chicken cooked with onions, spices, yellow pepper, bread, and milk, is a clear case of the Spanish influence on Peruvian gastronomy, which comes from the colonial period.
  • The Causa Rellena, which may be one of the oldest in gastronomy, has its roots in the pre-Columbian period and developed over the centuries. This stew with potatoes and yellow pepper, boiled eggs, lemon, and black olives and stuffed with fish, chicken, or seafood also has a great mark on Peruvian history.
  • We certainly couldn’t forget our flagship of the traditional Peruvian dish, the famous Ceviche. This dish is linked to the Moche culture, considered the first to make it, and it is a cold dish with raw fish, lemon juice, red onion in julienne, corn, parsley, and cilantro. This dish is rooted in the culture of Peru.

And there are many more dishes like Lomo saltado, rocoto relleno, guinea pig, stir fried and some street food, possible to find in any restaurant in Lima.

We bet your mouth is watering, right? And just knowing and tasting these dishes may not be enough, due to their unique and memorable flavor that you will surely want to taste again as soon as possible. With that in mind, you can learn to cook typical Peruvian dishes with expert chefs on your trip to Peru with Viagens Machu Picchu!

Don’t miss out on all these gastronomic adventures, get in touch with our team to learn more about  Mistura Fair and the numerous travel packages to Lima and other wonderful destinations in Peru.