Machu Picchu Private Guided Tour from Aguas Calientes

Everyone coming to Peru for the first time is visiting the famous Inca Citadel and as the flock of tourists make their way from Cusco to Machu Picchu, you might be wondering how to avoid the crowds and, most importantly, how to experience this wonder of the world more intimately.

As you already know, there are different ways to get to Machu Picchu, which is something that you need to take into consideration in case you’d like to take the Classic Inca Trail, Salkantay Trek, or just a train ride to Aguas Calientes.

Either way, we want you to have an extraordinary experience through Peru and Machu Picchu, which is why we prepared this blog to tell you everything about the private tour to this Inca Citadel. If you’re eager to explore Machu Picchu like a real expert, you’ve come the right way!

What’s the difference between a regular and a private tour?

As you may know, Machu Picchu receives over 1.5 million visitors per year, though not everyone takes the same route to get there. Depending on the experience you’d like to have, you can join a multiple-day trek or a full-day tour to Machu Picchu by train.

Therefore, the Inca Citadel counts with certified guides that work in different modalities. Although most of the tours are in groups, some may prefer having a more insightful experience without having to wait for a group or be limited to asking questions about Peru’s most famous attraction.

A private tour could be a great option for you.

All guided tours to Machu Picchu are limited to 8 persons maximum including the guide, and though it may seem just enough people, not everyone goes at the same pace due to the altitude factor. However, that doesn’t mean that the experience would be less exciting but, to be entirely honest here, it implies following a set itinerary and schedule to allow everyone to see everything and catch up as you walk.

On a private tour, you can make the most of your experience in Machu Picchu, keeping in mind that the stay in the citadel is limited to 4 hours per entrance, which is plenty of time to get to know more of the historical sanctuary.

Private Tour to Machu Picchu Itinerary

Usually, for private tours, there are no set schedules, but when it comes to Machu Picchu, it will all depend on your entrance ticket. Here, at Viagens Machu Picchu, we include the Machu Picchu private tour in most of our travel packages, excluding some of the treks that take you to this archeological complex.

Consider traveling with Viagens Machu Picchu for a private tour

Depending on your set entry time to the Inca citadel, we’ll have to be 45 minutes before that at the bus station. Remember that you can take the bus to Machu Picchu or walk all the way up to its entrance (must be coordinated upon booking).

Once on the top, our guide will explain the circuit to follow, as well as some recommendations for the tour. Later, you’ll enter the citadel with your passport and entrance ticket at the designated time frame. The tour will take you to the most important parts of the citadel, while also giving you time to take some pictures, rest, and contemplate the majestic scenery that surrounds this wonder of the world. 

Things to See in Machu Picchu

There are many constructions to visit in the Peruvian wonder of the world, so we have gathered a few of the many attractions within the citadel:

The Royal Palace and Acllahuasi

Situated in a privileged location within the residential sector of Machu Picchu lies the largest structure of the site, composed of fine masonry and different rooms.

Due to its architectural style and the techniques used in its construction, it is believed to be a royal precinct, presumably the one that housed the Inca monarch Pachacutec.

Right in this same area is located the Acllahuasi, a structure that could have housed the virgins of the citadel that were dedicated to the religion. Archeologists managed to deduct the theory thanks to the way it was assembled.

The Temple of Three Windows

As aforementioned it is located in the surroundings of the Sacred Plaza. Archeologists theorize that the temple shared great importance during the Inca era since it represented the “Hanan Pacha”, or the world of the gods, “Kay Pacha”, the human and physical realm, and finally “Ukju Pacha” the world of the dead. All these realms were also linked to the myth of the Ayar brothers

Excavations on the site made it possible to understand even more of the structure since regular and religious artifacts were found buried in its interior. Also, the Temple of Three Windows is recognized for showing evidence of outsiders 9 years before Hiram Bingham unveiled Machu Picchu to the world since 4 names were carved in one of the stones but were later erased by the North American explorer.

Temple of the Sun

This impressive structure is recognized for its carved stone walls due to its authentic curvature and architectural style, resembling the ones found in the Qoricancha temple, which is why Hiram Bigham deduced that it could be a Sun cult temple. 

The Temple of the Sun comprehends three rear windows, where two of them allow the sunlight entrance during the winter and summer solstices, and the third has several perforations around its frame that probably hold precious stones, this last window is called the ’Snake’s Window.’

The structure was built on top of a natural rock cave that was probably used as a tomb or mausoleum. Some historians theorize that it could have been the Inca Emperor Pachacutec’s burial place.


This mysterious carved rock is located at the highest point of Machu Picchu. It is believed that during the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year, the Incas reunited here to implore not to be abandoned by the Sun God Inti, as well as performing sacrifices and offerings to this deity.

The Incas had great astronomical and geographic knowledge, which is represented in this sacred monument since the protruding part is intended to match the sunlight in every season of the year. It is also considered as some kind of solar watch. 

Temple of the Condor

It is located in the urban sector of the Historic Sanctuary of Machu Picchu. Its name was given due to the similarities of the constructions with the imposing bird of the Andes. The structure seems to be used as a punishment cell since a dungeon was found in its interior. 

The Andean Condor was a sacred bird to the Incas, for that reason, it is believed that sacrifices were made in this location to honor it by maybe offering the corpses of their enemies after being tortured.
These are a few of the many attractions to visit in Machu Picchu, please note that the entire site has over 200 structures that have impressively remained nearly intact despite being abandoned for several years. 

How to Book a Machu Picchu Private Tour?

Easy! We have departures every day from Cusco and Aguas Calientes but they have to be arranged with time in advance. Viagens Machu Picchu is a certified travel operator, which is why we can help you book train tickets and, most importantly, the entrance to Machu Picchu.

We want you to travel in comfort, which is why we have partnered with the PeruRail company to provide the best transport service from the train stations in Cusco, Sacred Valley of the Incas, and Aguas Calientes.

That way, you’ll only need to worry about having fun while we take care of all the logistics involved in your trip. For more information, make sure to contact our sales team and they’ll give you all the options available for you!

Viagens Machu Picchu, journeys that inspire, moments that last.

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