7 Best Treks in Huaraz – Full Day Edition

For those looking to spend their time actively in Peru, the Huaraz region might be the perfect destination for your trip! Also known as the “Trekking Capital of the country”, it holds countless natural wonders and adventures that you should include in your itinerary. Most of these attractions are located within the Huascarán National Park, which comprises scenic landscapes, the highest peaks in Peru, and impressive turquoise-water lagoons.

For that reason, we thought you might need some help to decide which full-day trek you should take. Keep in mind that most of these travel destinations are located over 4,000 m.a.s.l. Huaraz City itself reaches 3,052 meters of elevation. So, make sure to know how to properly acclimate so you can avoid altitude sickness before starting your adventure! 

Having that in mind, you could set your itinerary according to the altitude and difficulty level of each trek, so you can rise slowly in altitude, allowing your body to get used to it gradually. Now let’s get to the exciting part, we have gathered these routes according to their beauty and impressive scenery along the way. So, here is some travel inspiration for you, adventurous traveler!

1|Laguna Churup Trek

Most travelers coming to the Trekking Capital of Peru end up spellbound to the beautiful scenery of the region and the Laguna Churup is surely one of those natural wonders that you simply can’t miss. This is one of the rising attractions in Huaraz and even though the lagoon 69 takes all the attention. Churup is an impressive water body that has an unparalleled landscape and its route holds a dream-like natural setting.

This lagoon is located at 4,450 meters above sea level and the trailhead lies at 3,840 meters of elevation, which means that the trek could take up to 3 hours depending on your physical condition. The trail might not be the easiest but it does provide a fun experience! Remember that you would have to gain about 600 meters in altitude to reach the lagoon, and at some point, you will have to use ropes to continue.

However, all of that effort will be paid off by every step you take, since the route offers sweeping views of the valley and the snow-capped mountains that surround it, as well as waterfalls. Once you get there, you’ll notice that the Churup Lagoon is like no other in the region since it holds different shades of blue in its water thanks to the microalgae and minerals in it.

2|Laguna Paron Trek

This is the largest freshwater body in the Cordillera Blanca and sits at an elevation of 4,200 meters above sea level. However, this trek isn’t that difficult since you can make your way up by car and walk the last 45 minutes.

Although the Laguna Paron isn’t as popular as the other lagoons in the region, you can do many activities in this massive lagoon, like kayaking, taking boat rides, hiking to the nearby snow-capped mountains, and even camping.

The Parón Lagoon is located at a 3-hour drive from Huaraz and all the tours take you directly to the trailhead. However, we do not recommend taking this hike on your own since transport is very limited to the town near the lake.

Another good thing about this natural wonder is that since most travelers prefer to visit Lagoon 69 during their stay in Huaraz, this one is significantly less crowded than the rest. That way you’ll have much better photo opportunities and more time to sail across this beautiful lake on a kayak tour!

3|Nevado Pastoruri Trek

The famous glacier in the Pastoruri mountain is by far one of the most popular natural wonders in the region. It sits at an elevation of 5,240 meters above sea level and comprises an otherworldly scenery that you will love to explore.

The way to Nevado Pastoruri isn’t hard at all since the car will take you directly to the attraction and you will only need to walk to explore its surroundings. It is worth mentioning that due to climate change and global warming, Peru is losing its glacial surface very quickly, so most tour operators are focused on raising awareness by showing the way our planet is changing.

Likewise, you will visit other places on the way to this natural wonder, our Nevado Pastoruri Tour takes you to the Patococha Lagoon, the Puya Raimondi forest, and also to see some cave paintings found along the route.

Keep in mind that the altitude is a factor that can’t be simply ignored. Make sure to keep yourself hydrated at all times and if taking part in a tour (the most recommendable way), talk to your guide in case you experience any altitude sickness symptoms. 

4|Laguna 69 & Llanganuco Lake

If you thought we wouldn’t include this majestic and pretty much popular hike on this listing, you were wrong. Although it undoubtedly is the most crowded attraction within the Huascarán National Park, it is definitely worth a visit.

Most travelers coming to Huaraz already have the Lagoon 69 on their bucket list, and how not to? Its awe-inspiring scenery has captivated each and every one of its visitors! Additionally, the trail will take you through a beautiful region, where snow-capped mountains and greenish valleys will leave you totally spellbound.

Although most tour operators only include the visit to this lagoon in their itineraries, we thought it would be more special if you visited another natural wonder along the way. This is why our Llanganuco Lakes and Lagoon 69 trek will show you another turquoise-water lagoon with impressive scenery.

Now, when it comes to trek, it has a moderate to challenging difficulty. Trust us, the trail is hard but if you’re properly acclimatized, then you’ll surely finish it without problem. Remember, it all comes down to how you deal with altitude the very first days of your stay.

5|Laguna Wilcacocha Trek

If you’re looking for an acclimatization hike to join on your first days in Huaraz, this would be the perfect option for you. The Laguna Wilcacocha is located at 3,745 m.a.s.l. and the trail isn’t difficult at all. The trailhead is located 15 min away from Huaraz and crosses beautiful Andean villages, farmhouses, and croplands, but the scenery gets better and better as you reach the lagoon.

This beautiful waterbody sits in a privileged location, surrounded by the Cordillera Blanca and the Cordillera Negra, a special spot not so far and not that high above the clouds! Remember that you’ll be passing through a rural area, where a lot of families live, so be respectful and considerate. Although locals are used to tourists, this place is their home and must be treated as such. 

The trail is about 3.2 km long and takes about 2-3 hours to complete on the way up, so make sure to take the walk slowly and keep yourself hydrated, you will be over 3,000 meters of elevation after all. The Wilcacocha Lagoon Trek is definitely the best way to start your adventure in Huaraz. We highly recommend organizing your trekking itinerary from the lowest altitude attraction to the highest so you can get used to it gradually.

6|Cañón del Pato

The Pato Canyon holds one of the most impressive natural scenery of the Ancash region, where the “Cordillera Blanca” and “Cordillera Negra” (White and black mountain range) converge harmoniously and extend for about 40 kilometers. It is another alternative for those looking to get gradually used to the altitude since the maximum elevation on this tour is 2,000 m.a.s.l.

However, most operators include this destination in a tour along with other attractions so you can learn another side of the historical, cultural, and natural heritage of the region.  For example, our tour to Cañón del Pato will first take you to the Carhuaz town, famous for its ice cream parlors and Andean architecture.

Later, we’ll pass by the Piedra del Diablo and the Amanán Witch waterfall to finally explore the Pato Canyon. This natural wonder is flanked by towering granite walls of over 60 meters of elevation, a product of the Cordillera Blanca and Negra. The Pato Canyon is also known for having the perfect setting to practice mountain biking, another option for the most adventurous!

7|Bosques de Hatun Machay

The “Hatun Machay” Stone Forest is another of the many natural wonders of the Ancash region, located at an elevation of 4,200 meters above sea level. This famous stone forest comprises a historical heritage of thousands of years ago, with cave paintings and archeological evidence that will take you on a back-in-time journey.

In addition, thanks to wind erosion, the rock formations resemble figures of toads, turtles, eagles, elephants, and human faces, proof that Mother Nature is the most patient and incomparable artist.  This popular stone forest extends to 200 hectares and comprises rock walls that rise up to over 80 meters in height, suitable for rock climbing activities. It is also considered the largest sport climbing area in Peru.

These are some of the best trekking activities to do in the Huaraz region, where nature, history, and culture give a different meaning to Huaraz Region’s natural attractions. If you’re looking for the perfect outdoor adventures in Peru, this is definitely the way to go!

We have included Huaraz in some of our Peru travel packages, so make sure to give them a look before you go and get inspired for your next adventure! Contact Viagens Machu Picchu and make the most of the Huaraz region and Peru!

Viagens Machu Picchu, journeys that inspire, moments that last.

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